Tuesday, February 26, 2008

According to UK scientists, antidepressants don't work

Yes, America. The British are (once again) trying to destroy the image of one of our most prized advancements in the medical field: antidepressants.

Nature took billions of years to develop a system as complex as the brain. But that's no match for the BILLIONS of dollars spent on research to improve that complex and sometimes annoying machine. The point is that Prozac WORKS! I'm the living proof of how miraculous that drug is! I'm a completely sane person SAYING FOOLISH THINGS ON A FUCKING WEBLOG THAT EXISTS ONLY IN THE WIRES WRAPPED AROUND THE GLOBE JUST BECAUSE OF THE IMPRESSION THAT SOMEONE WILL READ WHAT I'M SAYING AND YET STRANGELY AWARE THAT NO ONE IN THE FUCKING WORLD WILL EVER READ THESE DAMNABLE ATTEMPTS AT HUMOR!

Remember who are the British! They're the people that enslaved us! They eat disgusting food! They eat kidneys FOR BREAKFAST! And they don't take as much Prozac as we do! They're not sane! Period. Our scientists are the best in the world. Who are you going to believe? Their scientists? A bunch of pompous pricks with the innermost desire of becoming FRENCH? That's what they are! Someone who looks up to the French doesn't deserve a dime of credit.

PROZAC IS THE STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE OF! Throughout the human history, whoever controlled the stuff dreams are made of, controlled the whole society. Priests, kings, prophets. They've all controlled the stuff dreams are made of. AND WE HAVE POPULARIZED THE STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE OF AT THE MODEST PRICE OF 2 DOLLARS PER PILL!

People have to understand that the brain has become an elephant, just like welfare state! We have to improve its margins! We have to cut its costs! WE HAVE TO SHRINK THE BRAIN! It's too big and, frankly, a waste of energy! "Limbic center"? Pfah! Useless! PROZAC IT! "Long-term memory storage center"? Nobody has fond memories of childhood; if you weren't raped by your parents, you were bullied by your schoolmates; PROZAC IT! "Awareness of death center"? WHO NEEDS THAT? I'M A GOD! That's a thing for the monkeys we once were!

We're completely free and capable of shaping our life. We make our own choices. We define our existance, we bend it to our will. We don't depend on anyone. If someone is on welfare, it's because he's a fucking bum that doesn't want to work. If we're happy or miserable, it's all our own fault! That's why we need Prozac.

They say PROZAC doesn't work. I say: HAVE A PILL!


Anonymous said...

Teorias neoliberais e ultrapragmáticas fundamentando o uso de prozac.

(And yes, someone IS reading that.)

Anonymous said...

E viva o Woody Allen, nosso garoto-propaganda mor!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, I can't understand Spanish...

tirãããn, haha

walrus eggman é um gringo pau no *, não tenho nada a ver com ele! hahaha

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