Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Story of Walrus Eggman 2

-- I want to name him John after my father, Jack!
-- Oh no, that name is too common for a son of mine! Common names are for common people!
-- Do you want our boy to be uncommon?
-- Out of the ordinary, yes!
-- But that can be bad!
-- And it also can be better! No one gets rich and important with a gray, uncolored label!
-- OK, so which name do you suggest?

"I am the Walrus" was playing on the radio.

-- Got it! Walrus Eggman!
-- Jesus Christ! And what if I'm carrying a girl, would you name her "Eleanor Rigby"?
-- The name's Eggman. Walrus Eggman.

"A boy named Sue" was playing on the radio.

-- Do you understand how much he'll suffer because of that awful name?
-- He'll thank me in the end.
-- Perhaps he'll spare your life in the end, not thank you! Name him Bill, or George, any damn thing but Walrus Eggman...
-- It's final. My son's name will be Walrus Eggman. And if it's a girl, I'll let you choose a name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA. X 2938474979

"´A boy named Sue´ was playing on the radio.", Rá!

E o que acontece depois, hein?! Hein?! Hein?!
Então o pai realmente o batizou com esse nome, tsc, tsc...QUE pai insensível. haha.

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